Academica University of Applied Sciences
Basic information
- NL0808
Provider typehigher education institution
Legal seat(s)Amsterdam, Netherlands
QF-EHEA levelssecond cycle, short cycle
National External Quality Assurance Requirements
Limited (initial) accreditation
Same as for full (initial) accreditation except that the focus of the assessment is limited to four standards: intended learning outcomes, the curriculum, the assessment system and the achieved learning outcomes (when available for new programmes). -
Full (initial) accreditation
mandatory for all new and existing programmes in higher education. A conditionally positive decision in the initial accreditation procedure entitles the programme to award valid degrees and diplomas and has two years to meet the conditions set in the assessment. The duration of positive accreditation is for six years. Programmes are assessed in clusters within the same domain. -
Institutional audits
are optional. A positive result entitles institutions to use the limited frameworks for (initial) accreditation.In 2017, Netherlands started its second round of institutional audits that will focus more on the realisation of the educational vision and the development of a quality culture.
- Further information on external quality assurance in Netherlands
External Quality Assurance Reports and Decisions
Institutional level
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Programme level
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