Paris Institute of political studies

Institut d'études politiques de Paris

Basic information

  • Identifiers
    • DEQARINST1073
    • FR0189
    • ROR:
    • Erasmus: F PARIS014
    • FR-ETER.BAS.NATID: 0753431X
    • SCHAC:
    • Erasmus-Charter: E10087449
    • EU-PIC: 949349865
    • WHED: IAU-007908
  • Provider type
    higher education institution
  • Further location(s)
    Le Havre, France
    Nancy, France
    Dijon, France
    Reims, France
  • Website
  • Founding year
  • QF-EHEA levels
    third cycle, second cycle, first cycle
  • Part of

National External Quality Assurance Requirements

  • Evaluations of higher education institutions
    are carried out every 5 years.
  • Review of disciplinary ‘fields’
    are carried out every 5 years.
  • Evaluation of sites using a ‘top-down approach’
    newly introduced in 2017.
  • Evaluation of doctoral schools
    are carried out every 5 years.
  • Further information on external quality assurance in France

External Quality Assurance Reports and Decisions

Institutional level

This report does not have a validity period, but it is older than 6 years and thus considered part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system
Institutional evaluation
This report does not have a validity period, but it is older than 6 years and thus considered part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system
Institutional evaluation
Institutional evaluation
Institutional evaluation

Programme level

Avis d’accréditation relatifs aux formations du 1er et du 2e cycle de l’Institut d'études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po) (second cycle degree)
  • Qualification/award
  • Level
    second cycle (NQF 7)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
This report does not have a validity period, but it is older than 6 years and thus considered part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system
Chimie physique et chimie analytique de Paris Centre (third cycle degree)
This report does not have a validity period, but it is older than 6 years and thus considered part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system
Cognition, comportements, conduites humaines (3CH) (third cycle degree)
This report does not have a validity period, but it is older than 6 years and thus considered part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system
Domaine Droit, économie, gestion (first cycle degree)
This report does not have a validity period, but it is older than 6 years and thus considered part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system
Droit international, droit européen, relations internationales et droit comparé (third cycle degree)
This report does not have a validity period, but it is older than 6 years and thus considered part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system
Droit public interne, science administrative, et science politique, école doctorale Georges Vedel (third cycle degree)
This report does not have a validity period, but it is older than 6 years and thus considered part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system
École doctorale de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études (third cycle degree)
This report does not have a validity period, but it is older than 6 years and thus considered part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system
École doctorale de Sciences Po (third cycle degree)
  • Qualification/award
  • Level
    third cycle (NQF 8)
  • Programme type
    Full recognised degree programme
This report does not have a validity period, but it is older than 6 years and thus considered part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system
École doctorale de Sciences Po (third cycle degree)
This report does not have a validity period, but it is older than 6 years and thus considered part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system
École doctorale n° 180 Sciences humaines et sociales : cultures, individus, sociétés (third cycle degree)
This report does not have a validity period, but it is older than 6 years and thus considered part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system
École doctorale n° 249 Droit comparé (third cycle degree)
This report does not have a validity period, but it is older than 6 years and thus considered part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system
École doctorale n° 393 Pierre Louis de santé publique à Paris : épidémiologie et sciences de l'information biomédicale (third cycle degree)
This report does not have a validity period, but it is older than 6 years and thus considered part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system
École doctorale n° 450 Recherches en psychanalyse et psychopathologie (third cycle degree)
This report does not have a validity period, but it is older than 6 years and thus considered part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system
École doctorale n° 543 École doctorale de Dauphine (third cycle degree)
Part of the obligatory external QA system
École doctorale n° 566 Sciences du sport, de la motricité et du mouvement humain (third cycle degree)
This report does not have a validity period, but it is older than 6 years and thus considered part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system
École transdisciplinaire (third cycle degree)
This report does not have a validity period, but it is older than 6 years and thus considered part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system
Erasme (third cycle degree)
This report does not have a validity period, but it is older than 6 years and thus considered part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system
Informatique, télécommunications et électronique de Paris (third cycle degree)
This report does not have a validity period, but it is older than 6 years and thus considered part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system
Langues, littératures et sociétés du monde (third cycle degree)
This report does not have a validity period, but it is older than 6 years and thus considered part of the historic record.
Part of the obligatory external QA system
Licence Philosophie (first cycle degree)