My Step Foundation
Basic information
- AM-VAT: 01282864
Armenian VAT Number
State Register of the Legal Entities of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia -
Provider typehigher education institution
Legal seat(s)
QF-EHEA levelssecond cycle
National External Quality Assurance Requirements
Institutional accreditation
is a mandatory process for all higher education institutions (private or public) operating in Armenia and a prerequisite for programme accreditation. -
Programme accreditation
Programme accreditation is carried out on the initiative of the higher education institution, based on voluntary basis, with the exception of medical academic programmes, the accreditation of which is compulsory. - Further information on external quality assurance in Armenia
External Quality Assurance Reports and Decisions
Institutional level
DEQAR Report ID112862
TypeInstitutional Accreditation
Statuspart of obligatory EQA system
Formal decisionpositive
Valid until12/01/2028
Report and decision
Agency's identifier134
External links
Verifiable Credential
Programme level
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