Faculty of Health Sciences
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Basic information
- RUCT: 50012013
Register of Universities, Centres and Qualifications
The RUCT serves to provide the most important information on the universities, centres and qualifications comprising the Spanish university system, where new official Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate qualifications are registered. The RUCT is also a public administrative register, designed as a continually-updated resource. -
Provider typehigher education institution
Legal seat(s)Villanueva de Gállego, Spain
QF-EHEA levelsthird cycle, second cycle, first cycle
Part of
- San Jorge University (independent faculty or school)
National External Quality Assurance Requirements
Ex-ante and Ex-post programme evaluation.
Institutional evaluations.
- Further information on external quality assurance in Spain
External Quality Assurance Reports and Decisions
Institutional level
No results found.
Programme level
No results found.