- Fachhochschule für Interkulturelle Theologie Hermannsburg Hermannsburg (Germany)
- Fachhochschule für Verwaltung und Dienstleistung Altenholz Altenholz (Germany) Further location: Rheinfeld (Germany)
- Fachhochschule Oldenburg/Ostfriesland/Wilhelmshaven Wilhelmshaven (Germany)
- Faculty of Theology in Paderborn Theologische Fakultät Paderborn (rk) Paderborn (Germany)
- Faculty of Theology Trier Theologische Fakultät Trier Trier (Germany)
- Federal University of Applied Administrative Sciences Hochschule des Bundes für öffentliche Verwaltung Brühl (Germany) Further location: Haar (Germany) Further location: Wiesbaden (Germany) Further location: Münster (Germany) Further location: Mannheim (Germany) Further location: Lübeck (Germany) Further location: Berlin (Germany)
- FH der Polizei Brandenburg (VerwFH) in Oranienburg Oranienburg (Germany)
- Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf Potsdam (Germany)
- Flensburg University of Applied Sciences Hochschule Flensburg Flensburg (Germany)
- Fliedner Fachhochschule Düsseldorf (Priv. ) Düsseldorf (Germany)
- Folkwang University of the Arts Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen (Germany) Further location: Dortmund (Germany) Further location: Duisburg (Germany)
- FOM University of Applied Sciences Private Fachhochschule für Ökonomie und Management Essen Essen (Germany) Further location: Dortmund (Germany) Further location: Cologne (Germany) Further location: Bremen (Germany) Further location: Bonn (Germany) Further location: Bochum (Germany) Further location: Berlin (Germany) Further location: Augsburg (Germany) Further location: Wuppertal (Germany) Further location: Wesel (Germany) Further location: Stuttgart (Germany) Further location: Siegen (Germany) Further location: Nuremberg (Germany) Further location: Neuss (Germany) Further location: Münster (Germany) Further location: Munich (Germany) Further location: Marl (Germany) Further location: Mannheim (Germany) Further location: Aachen (Germany) Further location: Leipzig (Germany) Further location: Kassel (Germany) Further location: Karlsruhe (Germany) Further location: Hannover (Germany) Further location: Hamburg (Germany) Further location: Hagen (Germany) Further location: Gütersloh (Germany) Further location: Frankfurt am Main (Germany) Further location: Düsseldorf (Germany) Further location: Duisburg (Germany)
- Frankfurt School of Finance & Management-HfB (Priv. H) Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
- Frankfurt University Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
- Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
- Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt a.M. Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
- Free University of Berlin Freie Universität Berlin Berlin (Germany)
- Freie Hochschule Stuttgart - Seminar for Waldorf Pedagogy Freie Hochschule Stuttgart, Seminar für Waldorfpädagogik Stuttgart (Germany)
- Fresenius University Applied Sciences Hochschule Fresenius Idstein (Priv. FH) Idstein (Germany) Further location: Munich (Germany) Further location: Heidelberg (Germany) Further location: Hamburg (Germany) Further location: Frankfurt am Main (Germany) Further location: Düsseldorf (Germany) Further location: Berlin (Germany) Further location: Cologne (Germany) Further location: Wiesbaden (Germany)
- Friedensau Adventist University Theologische Hochschule Friedensau Möckern (Germany)