- Zealand Institute of Business and Technology Erhvervsakademi Sjælland Køge (Denmark) Further location: Slagelse (Denmark) Further location: Roskilde (Denmark) Further location: Næstved (Denmark) Further location: Nykøbing Falste (Denmark)
- VIA University College Risskov (Denmark) Further location: Grenaa (Denmark) Further location: Højbjerg (Denmark) Further location: Skive (Denmark) Further location: Nørre Nissum (Denmark) Further location: Holstebro (Denmark) Further location: Ikast (Denmark) Further location: Randers (Denmark) Further location: Herning (Denmark) Further location: Horsens (Denmark) Further location: Silkeborg (Denmark)
- University of Southern Denmark Syddansk Universitet Odense (Denmark) Further location: Esbjerg (Denmark) Further location: Sønderborg (Denmark) Further location: Slagelse (Denmark) Further location: Kolding (Denmark) Further location: Copenhagen (Denmark)
- University of Copenhagen Københavns Universitet Copenhagen (Denmark) Further location: Auning (Denmark) Further location: Frederiksberg (Denmark) Further location: Copenhagen (Denmark) Further location: Copenhagen (Denmark) Further location: Copenhagen (Denmark) Further location: Fredensborg (Denmark) Further location: Tåstrup (Denmark)
- University College South Denmark University College Syddanmark Esbjerg (Denmark) Further location: Kolding (Denmark) Further location: Aabenraa (Denmark) Further location: Kolding (Denmark)
- University College of Northern Denmark Professionshøjskolen University College Nordjylland Hjørring (Denmark) Further location: Hjørring (Denmark) Further location: Thisted (Denmark) Further location: Aalborg (Denmark) Further location: Aalborg (Denmark) Further location: Aalborg (Denmark)
- University College Lillebaelt University College Lillebælt Odense (Denmark) Further location: Jellng (Denmark) Further location: Svendborg (Denmark) Further location: Odense (Denmark) Further location: Vejle (Denmark)
- University College Copenhagen Københavns Professionshøjskole Copenhagen (Denmark) Further location: Rønne (Denmark) Further location: Fredensborg (Denmark) Further location: Copenhagen (Denmark) Further location: Frederiksberg (Denmark) Further location: Aarhus (Denmark) Further location: Hillerød (Denmark)
- University College Copenhagen Professionshøjskolen UCC Copenhagen (Denmark) Further location: Aarhus (Denmark) Further location: Hillerød (Denmark) Further location: Rønne (Denmark)
- University College Absalon Professionshøjskolen Absalon Sorø (Denmark) Further location: Nykøbing Falste (Denmark) Further location: Vordingborg (Denmark) Further location: Næstved (Denmark) Further location: Kalundborg (Denmark) Further location: Holbæk (Denmark) Further location: Slagelse (Denmark) Further location: Roskilde (Denmark)
- The Royal Danish Academy of Music Det Kgl. Danske Musikkonservatorium Frederiksberg (Denmark)
- The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Skoler for Arkitektur, Design og Konservering Copenhagen (Denmark) Further location: Copenhagen (Denmark) Further location: Bornholm (Denmark)
- The Royal Academy of Music Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium Aarhus (Denmark) Further location: Aalborg (Denmark)
- The Copenhagen School of Design and Technology Københavns Erhvervsakademie (KEA) Copenhagen (Denmark) Further location: Hellerup (Denmark)
- Technical University of Denmark Danmarks Tekniske Universitet Lyngby (Denmark) Further location: Næstved (Denmark) Further location: Ballerup (Denmark)
- Svendborg International Maritime Academy (SIMAC) SIMAC Svendborg (Denmark)
- Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Billedkunstskoler Copenhagen (Denmark)
- Roskilde University Roskilde Universitet Roskilde (Denmark)
- Rhythmic Music Conservatory Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium Copenhagen (Denmark)
- MARTEC - Maritime and Polytechnic College Martec - Frederikshavns Maritime uddannelsescenter Frederikshavn (Denmark) Further location: Skagen (Denmark)