- Tilsley College Motherwell (United Kingdom (Scotland))
- Tavriski Christian Institute Таврійський християнський інститут Kherson (Ukraine)
- Religious Institution Divitia Gratiae University Instituţia Religioasă Universitatea Divitia Gratiae Chisinau (Moldova)
- PARS Theological Centre Uxbridge (United Kingdom (England))
- Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life Oxford (United Kingdom (England))
- Italian Evangelical Bible Institute Istituto Biblico Evangelico Italiano Rome (Italy)
- International Seminary of Theology and Leadership Zurich (Switzerland)
- International School of Theology and Leadership Tirana (Albania)
- Institute for Community-oriented Further Education Institut für gemeindeorientierte Weiterbildung Zurich (Switzerland)
- Evangelical Theological Seminary in Osijek Visoko evanđeosko teološko učilište u Osijeku Osijek (Croatia)
- Eastern European Bible College Colegiul Biblic Est-European Oradea (Romania)
- Cornerstone Centre for Intercultural Studies Beugen (Netherlands)
- Brake Bible School Bibelschule Brake Lemgo (Germany)
- Biblical Studies College BibelStudienKolleg e.V. Ostfildern (Germany)
- Baptist Theological Seminary Seminário Teológico Baptista Queluz (Portugal)
- Almaty Bible College Алматинский Библейский Институт Almaty (Kazakhstan)
- Adelshofen Theological Seminary Theologisches Seminar Adelshofen Eppingen (Germany)