"How to overcome barriers in digital higher education worldwide?" - December 2022
Talk of the town
DEQAR is getting more and more exposure on different platforms and in various ways. Hereunder a selection of DEQAR in the limelight – with links to the full articles as well as short extracts – among which testimonials, newspaper & newsletter articles, interviews, a television news-item and a review of DEQAR by a well-known QA expert.
“Searching for accreditation decisions in disparate sources from multiple foreign countries can be daunting. This is why DEQAR is increasingly becoming a one-stop shop for the accreditation related section in the partner screening workflow at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. All information in DEQAR is presented in the same readable and consistent manner independently from the country of origin. This saves us a lot of time and effort. We can only encourage more quality assurance agencies to join the database. This is a clear win-win for all stakeholders. Thank you very much DEQAR team and keep up the good work!
DEQAR is like “a trip advisor where, with one click, students, professors and researchers can find everything they look for in order to make well-informed decisions.”
“With DEQAR we move forward on the objectives of transparency, mobility and internationalisation. Transparency, because all data are now available and easily accessible to the public via internet. Mobility, because students who wish to go for an Erasmus can now consult on internet the assessments on the different universities that they can choose from. This also works the other way: there might be European students that decide to come and study here when they discover that we have studies of quality in Aragón. Lastly it means a leap forward towards internationalisation, since researchers and scholars who look for partners or associates to undertake joined projects can, using the findings in the reports, get to know more thoroughly and choose through better criteria with whom they want to collaborate. “
‘Since I have used the Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR) for the first time, I come back to it more and more frequently. It is a useful and trusted tool which helps to find all relevant information regarding quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Without the register, my work would be tedious, time-consuming and not giving so much satisfaction.’
“The DEQAR database is a most interesting European project being developed by EQAR and a number of European partners and agencies and is useful for ERIC-NARICs, HEIs, students and national authorities primarily for recognition and mobility (networks). The fact that all this information can easily be consulted in a user-friendly way and at one place is a real asset. We can only hope that more information will be collected and will be accessible in the future”.
“The work on the DEQAR project is a valuable and useful experience for our agency, especially because we believe that it is our duty to improve transparency in the quality assurance procedures in higher education in the EHEA, which is the purpose of the DEQAR database. We believe that the database will continue to expand even more in the future, providing easier access to accreditation reports and decisions to a wide range of users.”
“After discovering the (European) gem that is DEQAR, I immediately spread the word on this very useful tool and its wide-ranging possibilities to my colleagues in my HEI:
- international exchange coordinators
- programme managers
- staff members of the Examination Board
- students
If you ask me, DEQAR’s slogan ‘quality at your fingertips’ lives up to its expectation!”

Article in University World News
"New micro-credential framework shows relevance of Bologna" - September 2022

Article in EUA “expert voices” by Melinda Szabo
"Gauging external quality assurance frameworks in the European Higher Education Area" - July 2021

Newsletter European Tertiary Education Register
"External quality assurance frameworks and their alignment with the ESG - EQAR policy brief using ETER data available online" - July 2021

Newsletter article France Éducation International
DEQAR Connect : l’assurance qualité au service de la reconnaissance des diplômes - February 2021

NewsTank Higher Ed and Research
Quality Assurance: new phase in the creation of a unique European database - July 2020

Article in OEAD Bologna Service Point newsletter
Wissenswertes: Database of External Quality Assurance Reports (DEQAR) - December 2019

Article in Aragón Universidad
"La UZ (University of Zaragoza) ya forma parte del buscador de universidades europeas con sus informes de calidad en abierto" - November 2019

Article in EUA “expert voices” by Colin Tück
"The use of external quality assurance reports and the Database of External Quality Assurance Results" - June 2019

Article in ASEM Education
"Launch of Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR)" - May 2019

Article in University World News by Karl Dittrich
"HE can provide basis for European culture and identity" - March 2019

Article in ASIIN Newsletter by Karl Dittrich
“Trends and Developments in Quality Assurance” - March 2019 (page 4)

Review of DEQAR by Lucien Bollaert
EURASHE asked Lucien Bollaert to write a review of EQAR’s DEQAR project as independent QA expert.