Milestone reached: 50 agencies listed on Register
During the last Register Committee meeting, taking place online on 18 March, the Register Committee approved the applications of two agencies:
This brings the total number of registered quality assurance agencies to 50, a notable milestone.
Since the Register started its work in 2008, the Register Committee considered 142 applications, with a success rate for initial applications of 75%. View the breakdown of these numbers here.
Another important but less well-known aspect of the work of the Register Committee is the consideration of substantive changes. Registered agencies are requested to inform EQAR of substantive changes; any type of change that may affect the registered agency’s compliance with the ESG. This includes, for example, changes to the organisational structure, new external QA activities, changes to existing criteria or processes, etc.
The Register Committee considered the following Change Reports:
- EAEVE (European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education) updated its standard operating procedures (SOP), amongst others to enhance the way in which ESG Part 1 is incorporated in EAEVE’s criteria.
- EKKA (Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education) underwent some organisational changes following the recent merger of its parent entity, the Archimedes Foundation, into the new Education and Youth Board.
The Register Committee further received an update from QAA (Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education) and granted QAA additional time to make a further report on a number of ongoing developments and changes to address some issues identified in a decision on a recent Change Report.
Check out the full decisions of the Register Committee (including the substantive changes)
Find out more about how and when to report substantive changes
Apart from reviewing the applications and change reports, the Committee also discussed:
- EQAR’s Self Evaluation Report and its own contribution therein.
More about the external evaluation - A possible more targeted approach to review agencies that are going through their third or further review against the ESG, in order to avoid reviews becoming a repetitive exercise.
The next Register Committee meeting is set for 1-2 July.