Joint programmes that used the European Approach
The following list includes examples where the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes was used in practice to evaluate or accredit a joint programme.
The list is based on information that registered quality assurance agencies uploaded to the Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR). This page aims to be a useful reference for other higher education institutions and quality assurance agencies that plan to employ the European Approach. If you consider that any case is missing or incorrect, please contact us or the EQAR-registered agency that carried out the evaluation/accreditation procedure.
Report date - valid to / Uploaded / ChangedAgency / TypeEducation provider / ProgrammeCountry
16/05/2024 - 16/05/2029 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 03/03/2025NVAO European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesAix-Marseille University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Lusófona University, Pompeu Fabra University, University of Arizona, University of Haifa, University of Hamburg, University of Kent, Warsaw School of Economics - European Master in Law and Economics (second cycle degree, 60 ECTS)Spain, Israel, Poland, Portugal, France, Germany, United States, Belgium (Flemish Community), Netherlands
21/05/2023 - 21/05/2029 uploaded 18/09/2023 changed 03/10/2023ACCUA European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesComue Université Côte d'Azur, HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences, Management Center Innsbruck Ltd., Technical University of Košice, University of Genoa, University of Seville - Efficient and Sustainable Energy, Transport and Mobility to Build the Smart Cities of the Future (second cycle degree)Finland, Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Spain, France
22/05/2023 - 30/06/2029 uploaded 25/10/2023 changed 25/10/2023AQAS European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesUniversity of Münster, University of Twente - Public Governance across Borders (first cycle degree)Netherlands, Germany
04/09/2024 - 04/09/2029 uploaded 24/10/2024 changed 03/03/2025NVAO European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesLeuphana University of Lüneburg, Maastricht University, University of Valencia - International Joint Master of Research in Work and Organizational Psychology (second cycle degree, 120 ECTS)Spain, Germany, Netherlands
23/10/2023 - 31/10/2029 uploaded 08/02/2024 changed 08/02/2024AQAS European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesErasmus University Rotterdam, Koç University, Ruhr-University Bochum, University College Cork, University of Deusto, University of Liège, University of Oulu, University of Zagreb - Redesigning the Post-Industrial City (second cycle degree)Finland, Türkiye, Germany, Spain, Belgium (French Community), Ireland, Netherlands, Croatia
12/12/2023 - 12/12/2029 uploaded 14/12/2023 changed 14/12/2023AQU European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesBreda University of Applied Sciences, Côte d'Azur University, Rovira i Virgili University - Master in Innovative Design of themed Entertainment and Attractions for Sustainability (IDEAS) (second cycle degree)Netherlands, France, Spain
14/12/2023 - 14/12/2029 uploaded 23/01/2024 changed 23/01/2024AQU European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesPolitecnico di Torino, University of Gävle, University of Girona - Master in Innovative Manufacturing Systems (MIMS) (second cycle degree)Italy, Sweden, Spain
23/12/2024 - 23/12/2029 uploaded 03/01/2025 changed 03/01/2025VLUHR QA European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesBrno University of Technology, CY Cergy Paris University, International University of La Rioja, Munster Technological University, Mykolas Romeris University, National College of Ireland, Politecnico di Milano, The Politechnica University of Bucharest, University of Brescia, University of Koblenz and Landau, University of Rijeka, Vytautas Magnus University - Master in Cybersecurity Management & Data Sovereignty (degree, 120 ECTS)Lithuania, Italy, Romania, Germany, Czech Republic, Spain, France, Ireland, Croatia
04/12/2023 - 31/12/2029 uploaded 08/02/2024 changed 08/02/2024AQAS European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesHellenic Mediterranean University, New University of Lisbon, University of Orléans, University of Siegen, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University - European Master on Embedded Intelligence Nanosystems Engineering - From Nanoscale Technologies To Ubiquitous Smart Sensors (EMINENT) (second cycle degree)Lithuania, Germany, Portugal, Greece, France
07/09/2024 - 01/01/2030 uploaded 12/09/2024ZEvA European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesEuropean University of Tirana, Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, St. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, University of Pristina, Kosovska Mitrovica, University of Salzburg, University of Sarajevo, University of Tirana, University of Trieste - Political Science - Integration & Governance (PoSIG) (second cycle degree)Italy, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Albania
31/01/2025 - 31/01/2030 uploaded 03/03/2025 changed 03/03/2025NVAO European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesAmsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Northumbria University - Global Sustainable Business Management (second cycle degree, 90 ECTS)United Kingdom (England), Netherlands
29/04/2024 - 29/04/2030 uploaded 13/05/2024 changed 13/05/2024AQU European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesEötvös Loránd University, University of Girona, University of Zagreb - Master in Intelligent Field Robotic Systems (IFROS) (second cycle degree)Croatia, Hungary, Spain
27/05/2024 - 31/05/2030 uploaded 11/07/2024 changed 11/07/2024AQAS European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesKU Leuven, Tallinn University of Technology, University of Münster - Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Public Sector Innovation and E-Governance (second cycle degree)Belgium (Flemish Community), Estonia, Germany
15/01/2024 - 31/05/2030 uploaded 11/07/2024 changed 11/07/2024AQAS European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesCentral European University Private University, The University of York, University of Bologna, University of Granada, University of Łódź, University of Oviedo, Utrecht University - European Master on Women's and Gender Studies (second cycle degree)Italy, Poland, United Kingdom (England), Austria, Spain, Argentina, Netherlands
27/05/2024 - 30/06/2030 uploaded 11/07/2024 changed 11/07/2024AQAS European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesErasmus University Rotterdam, Koç University, Ruhr-University Bochum, University College Cork, University of Deusto, University of Liège, University of Oulu, University of Zagreb - Superdiversity in Education, Organisations and Society (second cycle degree)Finland, Türkiye, Germany, Spain, Belgium (French Community), Ireland, Netherlands, Croatia
05/07/2024 - 05/07/2030 uploaded 12/02/2025 changed 12/02/2025ACCUA European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesComplutense University of Madrid, University of Barcelona, University of Caen Lower Normandy, University of Catania, University of Padova, University of Seville - Nuclear Physics (second cycle degree)Spain, France, Italy
26/08/2024 - 30/09/2030 uploaded 29/10/2024 changed 29/10/2024AQAS European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesHAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences, Management Center Innsbruck Ltd., Technical University of Košice, University of Seville - European Joint Master of Business Administration AI for Business Transformation (second cycle degree)Finland, Austria, Slovakia, Spain
27/09/2024 - 30/09/2030 uploaded 26/11/2024 changed 26/11/2024AQAS European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesJustus Liebig University Giessen, University College Dublin - Global Change: Ecosystem Science and Policy (second cycle degree)Ireland, Germany
20/10/2024 - 20/10/2030 uploaded 06/11/2024 changed 06/11/2024AQU European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesEötvös Loránd University, University of Girona, University of Zagreb - Master in Intelligent Field Robotic Systems (IFROS) (second cycle degree)Croatia, Hungary, Spain
04/12/2024 - 01/11/2030 uploaded 05/12/2024HCERES European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesLUNEX, Mykolas Romeris University, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Université de Lille, University of Lisbon - Master Erasmus Mundus « GOvernance & Administration of Leisure and Sports » (GOALS) (second cycle degree)Poland, France, Portugal, Luxembourg, Lithuania
18/12/2024 - 18/12/2030 uploaded 10/01/2025 changed 10/01/2025AQU European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesÅbo Akademi University, Eötvös Loránd University, Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, University of Barcelona, University of Bergen, University of Montpellier, University of Würzburg, Utrecht University - Master in Global Challenges for Sustainability (second cycle degree)Norway, France, Germany, Hungary, Finland, Spain, Netherlands, Ireland
17/01/2025 - 17/01/2031 uploaded 31/01/2025 changed 31/01/2025AQU European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesKenyatta University, University of Girona, University of Mauritius, University of Oulu - Master in Tourism Transformations for Regenerative Futures (MATTeRS) (second cycle degree)Spain, Mauritius, Finland, Kenya
24/01/2025 - 24/01/2031 uploaded 29/01/2025 changed 29/01/2025AQU European Approach for QA of Joint ProgrammesBreda University of Applied Sciences, Free University of Languages and Communication, Rovira i Virgili University - Master in Innovative Design of themed Entertainment and Attractions for Sustainability (IDEAS) (second cycle degree)Spain, Netherlands, Italy