- European Higher Education Area - EHEA
- View 38 institutions with 292 reports
Governmental membershipDenmark has been a Governmental Member of EQAR since April 2008.
General information on higher education
The responsibility for higher education is divided between the Ministry of Higher Education and Science, the Danish Ministry of Culture (medium and long cycle education within the area of arts) and the Ministry of Defence. Most higher education institutions are under the auspice of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science.
Higher education in Denmark is taught at universities, university colleges and academies of professional higher education.
National external quality assurance requirements
Higher education institutions should be accredited every six years and there is a rotation plan for programme reviews set up on a yearly basis. Following the adoption of the Accreditation Act in 2013 (see link below) higher education institutions are transitioning from programme accreditation to institutional accreditation.
Institutional accreditation
involves an assessment of the institution’s overall quality assurance system (every six year in case of a positive accreditation) -
Programme accreditation
until the higher education institution has achieved institutional accreditation
EHEA key commitment
Fully aligned with the ESG
A fully functioning quality assurance system is in operation nationwide, in which all higher education institutions are subject to regular external quality assurance by an agency that has successfully demonstrated compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA (ESG) through registration on EQAR
Cross-border quality assurance
Recognising foreign agencies based on their own framework/requirements
The Accreditation Council may choose an EQAR-registered agency, other than the Danish Accreditation Institution for the preparation of accreditation reports (see below the Accreditation Act, Chapter 2, § 3) or accept an accreditation report from another internationally recognised quality assurance agency at the request of a higher education institution.
Eligibility requirements for foreign agencies: Danish higher education institutions are able to choose an EQAR-registered agency for the accreditation of Danish education programmes offered abroad and the accreditation of professional education programmes offered by transnational providers
Conditions for the agencies’ work (e.g. criteria to be used): The agency can use its own criteria.
European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes
European Approach available to all higher education institutions
The European Approach is available to all higher education institutions.
- Joint programmes can be accredited by all “internationally recognised” agencies. If an agency is registered on EQAR, it is automatically considered “internationally recognised”; otherwise, it has to prove this in an individual procedure to the Danish authorities.
Map: availability of the European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes
Further information
Registered agencies operating in Denmark
AI - The Danish Accreditation Institution 2010 - View 37 institutions with 263 reports
AQAS - Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programmes 2008 - View 1 institutions with 2 reports
EAEVE - European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education 2018 - View 1 institutions with 16 reports
NVAO - Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders 2008 - View 1 institutions with 8 reports
ZEvA - Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency 2008 - View 1 institutions with 1 reports