EQAR’s 16th General Assembly
EQAR members convened online on 26 June, for their 16th General Assembly (GA). As usual, the meeting was organised back to back with the BFUG meeting, held on 25 June.
The Croatian Minister of Science and Education, Blaženka Divjak opened the General Assembly, stressing the crucial role of EQAR in the realisation of the Bologna key commitments. Maria Kelo (ENQA, Director and EQAR EB) then proceeded with a “short and sweet” presentation on how the European Quality Assurance Agencies have adapted to the Covid-19 pandemic, which was followed by a lively discussion.
Apart from the yearly recurring agenda items such as the annual accounts, the budget, the work plan and the annual report, which were reviewed and adopted by the GA, there were two elections and the planning for the Self-Evaluation and External Evaluation of EQAR.
EQAR President
Karl Dittrich was re-elected as EQAR President for a second (three-year) term. He expressed his joy in being re-elected as well as his love for higher education and thanked the General Assembly for their confidence.
Executive Board
The General Assembly elected an Executive Board for a term until the GA of 2022. According to the agreed annual rotation, the Executive Board will assume the following functions as per 1 July2020, with Karl Dittrich as President:
- Re-elected: Tia Loukkola (EUA) – Vice-President
- Re-elected: Michal Karpisek (EURASHE) – Treasurer
- Re-elected: Gohar Hovhannisyan – (ESU) – Member
- Newly elected: Goran Daković (ENQA) – Member
The President thanked Maria for her 8 years as Executive Board member and expressed his appreciation for her hard work and dedication.
Self-evaluation and External Evaluation of EQAR
The General Assembly adopted the approach and roadmap for the Self-Evaluation and External Evaluation of EQAR and appointed two of its representatives (Bulgaria and Liechtenstein) to the Self-Evaluation Group (SEG). The next steps until the GA of 2021 are:
- EQAR bodies internal reflection from July-November
- Identify coordinator in the autumn
- Agree on terms of reference before the end of the year
- Final draft Self-Evaluation Report in February 2021
- Adoption Self-Evaluation Report at the 2021 General Assembly
- The External Evaluation will start after the 2021 GA
Annual Report 2019
The EQAR Annual Report is ready for your perusal on our website. It contains an overview of last year’s activities & finances, a comprehensive report on the management of the Register and cross-cutting observations based on the Register Committee’s decisions.