EQAR Members’ Dialogue in Berlin

The 2018 Members’ Dialogue was held in Berlin on 27-28 November, hosted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Lively discussions were held following presentations on:

  • “Realising the EHEA Goal of Automatic Recognition.”
  • “Taking Stock of the EHEA Key Commitments: Compliance with the ESG and limitations found within EHEA national frameworks.”

A retrospective on 10 years of EQAR, highlighted the many developments, changes and growth, not only in terms of registered agencies (3 in 2008 – 44 in 2018) but also in terms of governmental members (19 in 2008 – 40 in 2018) and staff (1 in 2008 – 4 in 2018).

Parallel sessions evolved around 3 topics:

  • The need for all QAAs in Europe to align their work to the ESG
  • Recognition
  • DEQAR (Database of External Quality Assurance Results)

In the “World Café” participants could dive into case studies of either Cross Border Quality Assurance or of the European Approach for QA of Joint programmes or learn more about the Student-run QA pools.

The event was closed by a fervent debate on how European policies and national agenda’s shape our systems in higher education and QA systems in particular.

To view presentations and photos of the event.