EQAR members convene in Warsaw for the General Assembly
Welcome and Thematic Session
The 24th General Assembly (GA) of EQAR was held in Warsaw in the afternoon of the 25th of February 2025. As customary, the meeting was organised in conjunction with the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) meeting, which was held on 24-25 February.
The GA was hosted by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, in the framework of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU at the Kazimierz Górski PGE Narodowy Stadium.
Magdalena Maciejewska, Director of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, warmly welcomed EQAR members to the meeting, expressing her joy in in having both the BFUG meeting and the General Assembly in Poland, underlining the importance of EQAR in the EHEA and wishing everyone a good meeting. Stéphane Lauwick, EQAR President, thanked her for her welcome and for being such excellent hosts.
The Thematic Session consisted of a presentation about EQAR’s contribution to the ESG revision process, by EQAR Director Aleksandar Šušnjar.
Yearly recurring agenda items
The General Assembly adopted the agenda, the minutes of the previous meeting, the accounts 2024 and the Work Plan 2025-2026, and took note of the Annual Report 2024 and the Progress Report on the Work Plan 2023/24.
Members agreed to hold an online Extraordinary GA later in the year to discuss and vote on the budget 2026.
Appointments and nominations
The GA approved the nominations of the Register Committee, which included five re-nominations and five new ones, for the term 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2027. The re-nominations included Eltjo Bazen (RC member since 2019), re-nominated by EURASHE, Sandra Bezjak (RC member since 2023), re-nominated by ENQA, Patricia Georgieva (RC member since 2019), re-nominated by EURASHE, Lewis Purser (RC member since 2023), re-nominated by EUA and Irina Duma (RC member since 2024), re-nominated by ESU.
Rihards Blese was nominated by BUSINESS EUROPE and will replace Inga Lapina who served on the Register Committee since 2023. Esther Huertas Hidalgo was nominated by ENQA and will replace Steffen Westergard Andersen who served on the Register Committee since 2017. Geneviève Le Fort was nominated by EUA and will replace Riitta Pyykkö who served on the Register Committee since 2017. Petri Mantysaari was nominated by EI/ETUCE and will replace Maria Arminda Bragança de Miranda who served on the Register Committee since 2017. Liv Theresa Muth was nominated by ESU and will replace Beate Treml who served on the Register Committee since 2017.
The GA appointed the following governmental members as observers to the Register Committee for the term 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2027: Kazakhstan, represented by Aitzhan Kulumzhanova, Slovakia, represented by Peter Ondreička and Slovenia, represented by Jernej Širok (all three re-nominations). The following members were newly appointed: the Czech Republic, represented by Tereza Vengřinová and Italy, represented by Luca Lantero.
The GA appointed the following governmental members to the Selection Committee: Iceland, represented by Una Strand Vidarsdottir, Austria, represented by Andreas Neuhold, Latvia, represented by Mārtiņš Upmacis and Romania, represented by Antonela Toma. The following stakeholder members were also appointed to the Selection Committee: ENQA, represented by Anna Gover (Board nomination), ESU, represented by Lana Par (Board nomination), EUA represented by Amanda Crowfoot (GA nomination), EURASHE represented by John Edwards (GA nomination) and Education International/ETUCE, represented by Robert Copeland.
The following governmental members were appointed to form part of the Self-Evaluation Group: Belgium (Flemish Community), represented by Liesbeth Hens and Slovenia, represented by Jernej Širok.
- Observers to the EQAR Board
The following governmental members were re-appointed as observers to the Board: France, represented by Mathieu Musquin and Norway, represented by Tone Flood Strøm.