EQAR General Assembly in Bucharest
EQAR’s 15th General Assembly (GA) was held in Bucharest on 3 April. As is tradition, the meeting was organised in conjunction with the BFUG meeting, held on 4-5 April. The Minister of National Education of Romania, Ecaterina Andronescu, opened the meeting, which was held in the Rectorate of Polytechnic University of Bucharest, hosted by the Romanian Ministry of National Education in the framework of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU.
During a thematic session on Current Trends and Policy Developments, two presentations were given:
- Peer-Support for the EHEA Key Commitment on QA by Magalie Soenen, Flemish Community of Belgium, Co-Chair of the Thematic Peer Group on QA.
- Update on DEQAR State of Play by Colin Tück, EQAR.
Apart from the yearly recurring agenda items such as the annual accounts, the budget, the work plan and the annual report, which were reviewed and adopted by the GA, there were also a number of elections.
Register Committee
The General Assembly approved the nominations to the Register Committee for a two-year mandate, starting on 1 July 2019. Three new members were nominated: Eltjo Bazen and Patricia Georgieva (by EURASHE ) and Jacques Lanares (by EUA). All other Register Committee members were re-nominated. Outgoing members Freddy Coignoul, Mindaugas Misiūnas and Ann Verreth were thanked for their indispensable and hard work, as well as their enthusiasm and overall contribution to EQAR. They have one more RC meeting coming up (17-18 June) as their mandate ends at the end of June.
Executive Board (by-election)
Gohar Hovhannisyan, member of the ESU Executive Committee, was elected to the EQAR Executive Board, following Adam Gajek’s resignation. The Chair thanked Adam for his work and excellent cooperation. According to the agreed annual rotation, the Executive Board will assume the following functions as per 1 May 2019, with Karl Dittrich as President:
- Maria Kelo (ENQA) – Vice-President
- Gohar Hovhannisyan – (ESU) – Treasurer
- Michal Karpisek (EURASHE) – Member
- Tia Loukkola (EUA) – Member
Appeals Committee
The General Assembly elected Paul Zoontjes as Chair and Jiri Nantl as Deputy Chair. The other members and deputy-members were re-elected. Outgoing Chair Jürgen Kohler and Jan de Groof (Deputy Chair) were thanked for their valuable work and involvement in EQAR.