CEU Elkana Center will coordinate external evaluation of EQAR
We are pleased to announce that the Yehuda Elkana Center for Higher Education (CEU YECHE) was selected to coordinate the EQAR external evaluation. Out of five tenders, considering the relevant experience as well as the suitability and soundness of the approach, CEU YECHE came out as first choice to assume the overall responsibility for the evaluation process. We are very glad to have found a competent and experienced partner with a great level of expertise in European HE policy, the development of the EHEA and the workings of the Bologna Process.
The Yehuda Elkana Center for Higher Education at Central European University (Vienna and Budapest) is a collaborative academic initiative carrying out applied policy research, consultancy and professional training in higher education. The Center was established in 2009 and builds on more than two decades of experience at CEU in policy advising and professional development programs for governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and higher education institutions from countries on all continents.
The main tasks for CEU YECHE as coordinator can be summarised as follows:
- Agree with EQAR on the Terms of Reference
- Recruit, appoint, brief and support the panel of experts
- Ensure the quality and timely delivery of the review report
As agreed (by the General Assembly) in the Approach and Roadmap of the External Evaluation, the external evaluation should address:
- Are the processes related to the Register fit for purpose and comply with those ESG standards that are pertinent for and can be applied to EQAR correspondingly?
- How has EQAR performed against the indicators defined in the Strategic Plan 2018-2022?
- What is EQAR’s contribution to the wider policy goals enshrined in its mission and objectives, and the vision of the EHEA?
The evaluation should result in a report, containing a qualitative analysis, conclusions and recommendations for improvement.
We are looking forward to our collaboration with the Yehuda Elkana Center for Higher Education in this important endeavor, which we hope will lead to constructive recommendations for enhancement.