Arrivederci Karl!
Another month and another goodbye. Chairing the Register Committee in Croatia was Karl Dittrich’s last task as EQAR President, before passing the baton to Stéphane Lauwick.
Karl Dittrich was first elected as EQAR President in 2017 and re-elected in 2020. The position of President did not exist before 2017 and was one of the recommendations of EQAR’s 2011 external evaluation.
In the President’s Appraisal Report of 2019, an appraisal requested by Karl Dittrich himself, respondents praised Karl’s “personal engagement and commitment, his enthusiasm, his warm, respectful and open approach and his ability of embracing partners and their views. At the same time, they found him “open to self-reflection and critical thoughts”.
During Karl’s mandate there were many milestones, such as the launch of DEQAR in 2018 and the Paris EHEA Ministerial Conference’s commitment to promote the development of DEQAR. Karl was also present at EQAR’s 10th anniversary, celebrated both in Brussels and in Paris and during EQAR’s (second) external evaluation, in which EQAR was described as “one of the most successful pan-European organisations in higher education, fulfilling its original mandate, as a “reliable, trustworthy, independent register that plays an important role in securing a credible QA system in EHEA”. During these six years, Karl chaired 19 Register Committee meetings, six General Assemblies, 17 Board meetings and attended and spoke at numerous external meetings and events.
Magalie Soenen, Director of EQAR, comments “Even though I have known (and sometimes worked with) Karl Dittrich since his first election as EQAR President, I have only had the privilege of really working with him, since the last two months. Karl is knowledgeable, cheerful and compassionate and knows how to ask critical questions (at critical or other) times, thus provoking genuine reactions in people. Last but not least, he has an excellent sense of humour. His enthusiasm for EQAR and the greater good is contagious and I know he will be missed by many, starting with the Secretariat staff!”
Beate Treml, Vice-Chair of the Register Committee added “I have worked with Karl since his first mandate (and mine) started in 2017. Karl is not only a bridge builder, he also has a vision. Combining these two is what he excels at, while giving others the possibility to shine too. It was a great pleasure working with him!”
Former Director Colin Tück attested “It has been an enormous joy to work with Karl for the past six years and I felt extremely privileged to benefit from his leadership rooted in his wisdom, expertise and dedication to a strong, democratic and united Europe. Only thanks to Karl’s strong support could the EQAR team achieve what we did over the past years.”
Thank you Karl and keep in touch!