The TPG-LRC Constructing Recognition in the EHEA

This project aims to support the  implementation of the Bologna Process, focusing on key commitment 2 (national legislation and procedures compliant with the Lisbon Recognition Convention).

The project is led by the Information Centre on Academic Mobility and Equivalence (CIMEA) and aims to support the work of the Thematic Peer Group B on the Lisbon Recognition Convention (TPG B on LRC). Other project partners include: HARNO, FEI, Nuffic, UHR, EUA, ESU and the Prime Minister Office – Albania.

The main project activities involve panel discussions and peer learning activities on common challenges (i.e. recognition of knowledge gained through alternative pathways, micro credentials, digitalisation of recognition workflows, European Degree etc.) and research that will further enable peer learning.

Working group on digitalisation of recognition tools

EQAR is leading the working group on digitalisation of recognition tools. Other partners contributing to the group include CIMEA, Nuffic and one project expert. So far, the group implemented the following activities:

  • Three peer learning webinars, each focusing on one phase of the recognition process (input, throughput and output), took place in the autumn of 2023. During these webinars, good practices of implementing digital tools were showcased, including examples by the Dutch ENIC-NARIC (Nuffic), the Polish ENIC-NARIC (NAWA), the Norwegian ENIC-NARIC (former NOKUT) and the Swedish ENIC-NARIC (UHR). The webinars also included interactive parts with participants, discussing the main challenges and successes of using digital tools in their respective higher education systems.
  • Two workshops on the digitalisation of the diploma supplement and the connection to the European Learning Model (i.e. standards) took place in the spring of 2023. Participants learned about the European Learning Model (ELM) and mapped the elements of their national diploma supplements with the standards. The findings of the peer learning webinars and the workshops will feed into a publication on “Digitalisation of Recognition Tools”. The publication, prepared by the working group, will present good practices and offer practical advice on digitalising recognition workflows. ENIC-NARICs, recognition officers at HEIs and other actors in the field will then be able to use the document as a guide/blueprint for digitalising their processes.

Working group on quality assurance of recognition

EQAR, together with EUA, ESU, Nuffic, HARNO and CIMEA, contributes to another working group in the project, with the aim of exploring the internal and external quality assurance processes of HEIs regarding recognition.

  • As part of the working group, EQAR collaborated with an independent researcher and made a quantitative and qualitative analysis using DEQAR reports, with focus on ESG 1.4. The analysis dwells deeper into the work of 11 EQAR registered agencies and provides insight in the quality of recognition processes at higher education institutions in the EHEA as seen by the QA agencies. The research, along with an analysis of the extent to which recognition processes of higher education institutions in the EHEA are in line with the LRC and ESG 1.4, based on data collected through a survey and follow-up focus groups with higher education institutions, is now part of a publication on quality of recognition (published in May 2024).