ENIC-NARIC integration
DEQAR is a useful tool for national recognition information centres (ENIC-NARICs). Many centres already make use of DEQAR data for the recognition of foreign qualifications from those higher education institutions/programmes present in DEQAR.
The idea of ENIC-NARIC integration was conceived with the intent to further speed up and facilitate this process, and to assist ENIC-NARIC project partners to use the Web API to integrate DEQAR in their recognition workflow and digital credentialing.
The initiative is a result of EQAR’s long-standing cooperation and exchange with the ENIC-NARIC Networks. Four ENIC-NARICs agreed to develop and implement this and thus became project partners in the DEQAR CONNECT project. Several on-line meetings were held to discuss the best ways to achieve this, keeping in mind that the four centers each have their own (IT) systems, digital platforms, workflow and national requirements, meaning that there is no “one fits all solution”.
1. CIMEA – Centro di Informazione sulla Mobilità e le Equivalenze (Italy)
Using an API connection, CIMEA embedded a DEQAR search in the DiploMe platform for evaluating the authenticity and comparability of qualifications on DiploMe.
For every institution entered by an applicant, the platform searches whether the institution has valid accreditations in DEQAR and shows the result to the credential evaluator; the evaluator confirms and validates the institution match. For qualifications found using DEQAR data, CIMEA includes the DEQARINST identifier1 and EQAR’s logo on the final recognition statement (as a signal for quality assured higher education institution).
When the credential evaluator fills in the certification comparability on DiploMe, the awarding institution from the country selected can be validated via DEQAR by clicking on the drop-down menu (framed in red in the image below):

2. France Éducation International (Formerly CIEP – Centre international d’études pédagogiques)
France Education International (FEI) included a search field for institutions in DEQAR in their internal legacy application Phoenix. Evaluators can use the DEQAR search bar to type the name of the institution and locate the HEI of their interest.
However, during the project, FEI decided to build a new system that will completely replace the existing Phoenix. CIEP is currently working on the implementation of DEQAR data in the new system and has already taken concrete steps for matching the list of institutions in DEQAR and its own database. Currently it is not known when the new system will be launched.

3. CNRED – National Center for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas (Romania)
Initially, CNRED created an internal page within its own software that enabled evaluators to search for all the data available in DEQAR in a manner tailored to CNRED’s needs. The data was transferred through a regular CSV download. In May 2022, CNRED also launched a public page (https://cnred.deqar.link/) that enables evaluators and the public to search for DEQAR data.

4. Nuffic
Nuffic is undergoing a major restructuring of their system/platform. They had been planning a direct DEQAR integration in their new upcoming system and had included this in their digital roadmap. However, due to complications with their IT supplier, the establishment of the new system was delayed significantly. The centre thus shifted its focus on integrating a link in one of its existing applications (EVE), given that this one will likely remain in use for a considerable time.