DEQAR Masterclass
24 September 2021, 12:00-16:30 CET, Zoom
EQAR presented the newest additions to the Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR), the updates of the data model and the improved API requirements. Different sessions were organised for agencies with a DEQAR API connection and agencies that had not yet established a connection to DEQAR.
Technical staff and IT subcontractors of registered QA agencies
Group 2 (Agencies building API connection to DEQAR)
12:00 | Tour de table and state of art in relation to the DEQAR connection per agency |
12:10 | DEQAR Status Quo |
12:20 | Modes of upload in DEQAR
Data model and requirements
13:00 | Coffee break |
13:10 | NCEQE system showcase |
13:30 | Q&A Session |
Group 1 (Agencies with API connection to DEQAR)
14:00 | Welcome by EQAR |
14:20 | Debriefing round
Recent changes in DEQAR and the APIs
15:30 | Coffee break |
15:40 |
Future changes envisaged (Submission API v2)
Timeframe |