
This Members’ Dialogue discussed current policy developments in the EHEA and their impact on quality assurance systems at different levels. The focus was on enhanced transnational cooperation (cross-border QA and the QA of European Universities) and on “new degrees” (micro-credentials and the proposed European Degree). The discussions will feed into EQAR’s future strategy.

8 December 2022

09:00  Registration (ground floor) Welcome coffee (third floor)
10:00 Opening and Introduction

  • Radka Wildová, Deputy Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic
  • Karl Dittrich, President, EQAR (online)
10:15 Plenary session: How can the European quality assurance system support cooperation and mobility?

The session will focus on the various measures and actions envisaged under the umbrella of the European strategy for universities and the Council Recommendation on building bridges for effective cooperation. Discussions will focus on how well the EHEA quality assurance framework has supported cooperation and mobility so far, what is needed to fully realise all commitments that have been made and where additional commitments or further steps might be needed.


  • Key messages from the DG HE and CZEDUCON, Karolina Gondkova, Head of Department of Higher Education, Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
  • Keynote: European strategy for universities and the role of QA to support cooperation, Vanessa Debiais-Sainton, Head of Unit, European Commission (online)
  • Reflections by Anna Gover, Director, ENQA
  • Reflections by Colin Tück, Director, EQAR


  • Jacques Lanarès, Register Committee member, EQAR
11:30 Coffee break
12:00 Parallel sessions
1 – The value of Cross-border QA, Transnational Education and European Approach
The session is dedicated to QA of transnational education, cross-border QA and the implementation of the European Approach for the QA of Joint Programmes. Three quality assurance agencies will share their hands-on approach, best practices as well as the challenges and obstacles that they are facing in their work across borders or with transnational provision. The presentations will be followed by an open discussion between the participants and the speakers.

  • Linda Messas, Director MusiQuE and Martin Prchal, former Chair of the Board, MusiQuE
  • Sophie Guillet, Project Manager, Department for European and International Affairs, HCERES (France)
  • Ronny Heintze, Deputy Director for International Development, AQAS


  • Beate Treml, Vice-Chair of the EQAR Register Committee
2 – Quality Assurance of micro-credentials
Providing more flexible learning opportunities offered by a broader spectrum of providers, micro-credentials are becoming increasingly important for the continuous improvement of peoples’ knowledges, skills and competences in times of fast shifting labour markets and social realities. Understanding who provides the credential and what is the workload, the content and the outcomes is crucial for building the trust in these learning provisions and further seamless recognition. However, whether and how micro credentials are addressed through the external quality assurance processes varies across the different higher education systems.The speakers will present different approaches to quality assurance of micro-credentials and discuss the recent developments on the topic in the EHEA. On the latter, participants will have the opportunity to see the first public showcase of the visual solution for inclusion of alternative (non higher education institution) providers in DEQAR and provide feedback.

  • Bryan Maguire, Director of Integration, QQI (Ireland)
  • Dagmar Provijn, Policy Advisor, NVAO (Department of Flanders)
  • Aleksandra Zhivkovikj, Policy and project officer, EQAR (Belgium)


  • Maria Kelo, Director of Institutional Development, EUA
13:15 Light lunch
14:15 Plenary Session: Quality Assurance of European Universities and the European Degree
The session explores the quality assurance arrangements of European Universities and touches upon the state of play regarding the European Degree. The aim of the session is to reflect upon suitable QA procedures that integrate the European QA Framework for institutions and programmes offered by European University Alliances. The policy-oriented discussion aims to benefit and to further the work of the Thematic Peer Group on QA.

  • Liesbeth Hens, Policy Advisor Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Training (Belgium, Flemish Community)
  • Julie Anderson, Policy Officer, Higher Education Policy at Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (European Commission)
  • Aleksandar Šušnjar, Project Coordinator for the University of Rijeka (YUFE Alliance)
  • Josef Matoušek, Department of Quality Education, Charles University (4EU+ Alliance)


  • Melinda Szabó, Deputy Director, EQAR
15:45 Coffee break
16:15 Plenary Session: Role of the ESG and EQAR registration: accountability tool or driver for change?
The session follows a modified Oxford style debate, of two panel members arguing in turn FOR and AGAINST the motion. The session will include a short presentation setting the scene for our debate following the delivery of the arguments on FOR and AGAINST the motion: that the role of EQAR and the ESG are more a tool for accountability than a driver for change. During the debate the two panelists have up to ten minutes for an opening statement, after which the moderator asks and takes questions from the participants. Finally, each panelist delivers a three-minute closing argument. Audience members will be asked to express their views on the motion (FOR, AGAINST or UNDECIDED) before and after the debate. Oxford-style debate with:

  • Eltjo Bazen, Chief Product Owner Quality Assurance at HU UAS (Utrecht), EQAR RC
  • Maria Kelo, Director of Institutional Development, EUA, EQAR EB


  • Goran Dakovic, Head of Agency Reviews, ENQA, EQAR EB
17:30 End of MD programme day 1
18:00 Guided walking tour, starts and ends at the Academy
19:00 Dinner at the Academy, accompanied by music from students from the Academy

9 December 2022

09:45 Welcome coffee
10:00 Plenary Session: Short Introduction to day 2
10:15 World Café – voyage around European developments

The World Café gives participants an opportunity to learn about specific developments, initiatives and case studies related to quality assurance in the EHEA. The format enables informal and spontaneous discussions in small groups and allows each participant to visit 3 of the following topics:

  1. European University with joint internal QA
    Fernando Galan Palomares, Consortium Manager at ARQUS
  2. Case study from the SEQA-ESG project – ministry perspective
    Nadejda Velisco, General Secretary, Moldavian Ministry of Education and Research
  3. Case study from the SEQA-ESG project – agency perspective
    Tomáš Fliegl, Vice-President, National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education, Czech Republic (tbc)
  4. IMINQA Staff Mobility experience on the European Approach
    Ariadna Strugielska, PKA (Poland)
  5. Data-Driven QA
    Stein Erik Lid, Assistant Director, NOKUT (Norway)
11:30 Coffee break
12:00 Closing panel: from Prague to Tirana – key messages to take forward

The closing panel will reflect on the discussions during the event and aim to sum up some key messages to take forward in the coming months: for the future evolution of the ESG, the upcoming revision of the EU Council Recommendation on cooperation in quality assurance and the preparation of the 2024 Tirana EHEA Ministerial Conference.


  • Karolina Gondkova, Head of Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic
  • Akbota Islam, Bologna Process and Academic Mobility Center, Kazakhstan
  • Armando Pires, President, EURASHE
  • Horia Onița, Vice-President, ESU, EQAR EB


  • Colin Tück, Director, EQAR
13:00 Light lunch at Academy