Webinar about the Revision of the EQAR "Policy on the Use and Interpretation of the ESG”
Past events
This page contains information about and presentations made at various events (co-)organised by EQAR. Their content is the responsibility of the respective author(s) and does not necessarily reflect the view of EQAR.

Newcomers Webinar - February 2025
"EQAR in a nutshell" - webinar for newly appointed representatives

Members' Dialogue, online - October 2024
Shaping the future in an evolving higher education landscape

Members' Dialogue, Granada - November 2023
"EQAR, Quo vadis?" - QA Fit Focus Group for ministries & EQAR Strategy 2024-2028

Members' Dialogue, Prague - December 2022
“Back to the Future” - How to embrace current and future trends without losing sight of our aims

Members' Dialogue, online - February 2022
Topics: EQAR’s external evaluation, QA of alternative pro-viders & inclusion of micro-credential providers in DEQAR

DEQAR CONNECT Conference, online - December 2021
From Data to Policy - Linking QA and Recognition

Webinar on ESG Compliance (challenges & lessons learned) - October 2021
Check out the agenda and the recording of the webinar

DEQAR Conference / Members' Dialogue in Madrid - October 2019
Download presentations and view photos

Members' Dialogue/EQUIP Focus Group in Prague - 2017
Download presentations and view photos.
An overview of past General Assemblies, including highlights and presentations can be found here.
The 2016 Members’ Dialogue was held in Oslo on 24-25 November, hosted by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research.
Speakers and presentations:
- Peter Elting, Stenden University of Applied Sciences, ITEpS Programme Coordinator: “First experience with the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes”
- Tia Loukkola, EQAR, President of the Executive Board: “Presentation of the proposal for the President position“
- Melinda Szabo, EQAR Project Officer: “Key considerations for Cross-Border Quality Assurance – presentation of the E4/EQAR initiative“
- Colin Tück, EQAR, Director: “Presentation of the background report and model for a database of quality-assured programmes/HEIs“
See further:
The 2015 Members’ Dialogue was held in Sofia, Bulgaria hosted by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science.
Speakers and presentations:
- Françoise Profit: New Developments in QA brought by the Yerevan Conference
- Tia Loukkola: ESG 2015 – Challenges on the way forward from adoption to practice
- Lucien Bollaert – Introduction into the self-evaluation of EQAR
Knowledges Café presentations:
- Ana Tecilazić-Goršić: Legal framework on cross-border EQA – Croatia
- Nadejda Velisco: Legal framework on cross-border EQA – Moldova
- Benjamin Muhamedbegovic: The impact of the ESG 2015 on QA in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The 2014 edition of the EQAR Members’ Dialogue was dedicated to discussing the final results of the RIQAA project on the cross-border recognition of quality assurance agencies’ results and decisions.
The event was hosted by the University of Palermo and took place in the beautiful historical building of “Pallazo Steri”.
Around 100 participants from over 30 different countries joined the conference and discussed levels of (international) trust and the cross-border recognition of quality assurance agencies’ results in line with the EHEA Ministers’ commitment (to ‘allow EQAR-registered agencies to perform their activities across the EHEA, while complying with national requirements’ and to ‘aim to recognise quality assurance decisions of EQAR-registered agencies on joint and double degree programmes’).
Read more about the event on the RIQQA project pages here
To view photos of the event.
Download Seminar Agenda.
Day 1 – Tuesday, 29 April 2014
- 9:00 Registration
- 9:30 Official Opening
- Plenary Session:
- Overview of cross-border QA reviews in the EHEA
Chair: Maria Kelo (EQAR, President of the Executive Board)
- Eric Froment (EQAR, Chair of the Register Committee) – Policy and legal frameworks of cross-border QAA
- Melinda Szabó (EQAR, Project Officer) – Presentation of the results from the Questionnaire for QAAs
- 10:30 Coffee Break
- 11:00 Plenary Session: Insight from stakeholders involved in cross-border EQA
Chair: Andrée Sursock (Senior Advisor, EUA)
- Katja Kamšek (Quality Assurance Officer, University of Ljubljana)
- Jan Frömming (Accreditation Manager, Technical University of Munich);
- Henni Saarela (Member of the QA Steering Committee, European Students’ Union)
- Allan Bruun Pedersen (Senior Adviser, ENIC Naric – Denmark)
- 12:40 Lunch
- 14:00 Plenary Session: A diversity of approaches in cross-border EQA
Chair: Sylvia Manning (Higher Learning Commission, USA)
- Christoph Grolimund (Director, OAQ)
- Irene Ainsworth (Head of Degree-Awarding Powers and University Title, QAA-UK)
- Teresa Sánchez Chaparro (Programme Director, CTI) & Caty Duykaerts (Head of Executive Unit, AEQES)
- Marion Moser (Deputy Managing Director, ACQUIN) & Stefan Handke (Head of ACQUIN Programme)
- 16:00 Coffee break
- 16:30 Parallel sessions
- Session I. A snapshot of cross-border EQA
Chair: Lucien Bollaert (EQAR, Vice-Chair of the Register Committee)
- Alicja Bochajczuk (Project Officer, Institutional Evaluation Programme – EUA)
- Anke Rigbers (CEO, evalag)
- Session II. Simulation of a cross-border EQA
Facilitator: Melinda Szabo (EQAR, Project Officer)
- 18:00 Day ends
- 18:30 Guided Tour in Bayreuth
- 20:00 Dinner
Day 2 – Wednesday, 30 April 2014
- 9:30 Parallel sessions
- Session I. Simulation of a cross-border EQA
Facilitator: Allan Päll (RIQAA, Advisory Group member)
- Session II. A snapshot of cross-border EQA
Chair: Lucien Bollaert (EQAR, Vice-Chair of the Register Committee)
- Alicja Bochajczuk (Project Officer, Institutional Evaluation Programme – EUA)
- Anke Rigbers (CEO, evalag)
- 11:00 Coffee break
- 11:30 Plenary session – Wrap-Up, Conclusions and Next Steps
Moderator: Colin Tück (Director, EQAR)
Parallel Session chairs
General Rapporteur: David Crosier (Education System Analyst, Eurydice)
- 12:40 Lunch and departure
A Peer-Learning Seminar organised by the Croation Ministry of Science, Education and Sports and EQAR in Trakošćan, Croatia on 11 December 2013.
- Erwin Malfroy (ENIC-NARIC of the Flemish Community of Belgium): The new framework for academic recognition in Flanders
- Emita Blagdan (Agency for Science and Higher Education, Croatia): Systems for recognition of foreign qualifications in Croatia
- Almantas Šerpatauskas (Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC), Lithuania): Legislative framework for the work of foreign QAAs
- Andreas Raggautz (University of Graz, Austria): Opportunities and challenges for institutions
The 2013 Members’ Dialogue was held in Ghent, Belgium, hosted by the Flemish Department of Education and Training.
Speakers and presentations:
- Helka Kekäläinen: Cross-border Quality Audit – an Example from Practice
- Peter Riedler: Quality Management @ Uni Graz
- Howard Davies: Professional qualifications: the amended Directive and the Bologna Process
The Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research, in cooperation with EQAR has organised a morning conference on 19 September 2013 at the Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU. The presentations addressed Austria’s new law on quality assurance, the experience of the University of Graz’ with an external evaluation by an EQAR registered agency in the context of the new law as well as stakeholders perspective on the Europe-wide policy framework on quality assurance.
Speakers and presentations:
- Eric Froment, EQAR
- Andreas Neuhold, BMWF
- Andreas Raggautz, University of Graz
- Tia Loukkola, EUA
- Adam Tyson, European Commission
- Florian Pecenka, Austrian Representation
The objectives of the 2012 Members’ Dialogue were to contribute to the
development of a strategic plan for EQAR and to consult members on the
revision of the Procedures for Applications, prepared by the Register
The Members’ Dialogue was held in Bucharest (Romania) and hosted by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding in Romania (UEFISCDI).
- Programme / Agenda – Members Dialogue Bucharest, 11-12 October 2012
- Keynote presentation Peter Maassen
- Case study presentation Nina Mares, Departement of Education and Training, Flemish Community of Belgium
- Case study presentation Remus Pricopie, Rector of the National School for Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), Romania
The 2012 Members’ Dialogue served as an opportunity to discuss the results of the external evaluation of EQAR and to exchange ideas for the follow-up and implementation plan.
The objectives were to:
- Serve as a unique opportunity for all those involved in EQAR’s governance, management and operation to discuss jointly and in a more informal atmosphere than in official meetings with strict agendas;
- Discuss and reflect on the results of the external evaluation;
- Elaborate on ideas for change and improvement as follow-up to the external evaluation.
The Members’ Dialogue was held in Vienna, Austria, hosted by the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research.
Agenda EQAR Members’ Dialogue Vienna 21-22 November 2011