Members’ Dialogue 2024 – online

Shaping the future in an evolving higher education landscape

The 2024 Members’ Dialogue will cover the European Degree Package and EQAR’s role, the European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes, the ESG revision and EQAR’s contribution to the new working cycle of the BFUG. Since this year’s edition takes place online, the sessions are spread out over two (consecutive) half days:

  • 28 October (14:00-18:00)
  • 29 October (14:00-18:00)
Purpose of the Members’ Dialogue

The Members’ Dialogue covers recent policy developments in quality assurance as well as EQAR’s current and future activities. Thanks to the informal setting, it also serves as a forum for exchange and networking among governments on issues related to quality assurance.

Registration - at the bottom of this page

Who can register for the  Members’ Dialogue?

  • EQAR Governmental Members
  • Stakeholder organisations, permanent observers and statutory bodies
  • Speakers and guests

Please register for the MD at the bottom of this page


Check out the speakers and their profiles via the this link.

Monday 28 October 2024

14:00 Opening and introduction (Plenary)

Stéphane Lauwick, President EQAR
Aleksandar Šušnjar, Director, EQAR

14:15 Plenary Session – European Degree Package and EQAR’s contribution
Presentation: Vanessa Debiais-Sainton & Kinga Szuly
Response: Aleksandar Šušnjar
14:45 Parallel sessions – Round 1 (there are two rounds, so all participants can attend two out of three sessions)
Participants can choose to attend one of the following three topics/sessions:

  • ESG Compliance challenged by national regulations
    Beate Treml, Vice-Chair EQAR Register Committee & Blazhe Todorovski, Policy and Project Officer, EQAR
    Rapporteur: Eltjo Bazen (TBC)
  • EQAR’s contribution to “Building the foundations towards a European Degree
    Aleksandar Šušnjar, Director, EQAR
    Rapporteur: Sandra Bezjak (TBC)
  • Using DEQAR as a trustworthy source of information – exploring current practices
    Hanna Reczulska, NAWA (ENIC-NARIC Poland) & Céline Jambon, policy officer,  “Skills Agenda” Unit of the European Commission (DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) & Kia Katarina Likitalo, NTT DATA, European Digital Credentials for Learning
    Moderator: Aleksandra Zhivkovikj, Policy and Project Officer, EQAR
    Rapporteur: Giorgi Munjishvili, Policy and Project Officer, EQAR
15:30 Coffee break
15:45 Parallel sessions – Round 2:
Participants can choose to attend one of three topics/sessions. NB: the topics are the same as during round 1
16:30 Wrap-up from the parallel sessions (plenary)
16:45 Panel discussion on the European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes and its role within the HE Package (plenary)


  • Vanessa Debiais-Sainton, Head of Higher Education Policy, Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (European Commission)
  • Sophia Karner, Senior Policy Officer, Una Europa
  • Andreas Neuhold, Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, Austria
  • Lana Par, Vice-President, European Students’ Union (ESU)
  • Sebastian Steele, UKĀ (Swedish Higher Education Authority)


  • Aleksandar Šušnjar, Director, EQAR
17:50 Closing words day 1, Stéphane Lauwick, President
18:00 End of day 1

Tuesday 29 October 2024

14:00 Welcome by Stéphane Lauwick (plenary)
14:10 Lightning talks  (plenary)
Lightning talks, as the name suggests, are designed for shorter, concise presentations on different topics. A presenter will talk about a topic for maximum 10 minutes, after which there will be approximately 10 minutes time for questions and comments.

  • ESG Revision by Anna Gover, Director ENQA
  • Quality of recognition – Insights from the analysis of reports by EQAR registered agencies by Maria Manatos, independent researcher
  • Certifying Micro Credentials offered by Alternative Providers by Diane Freiberger and Michael Stephan, FIBAA
  • DEQAR – the latest by Aleksandra Zhivkovikj, Policy and Project Officer, EQAR

Moderator: Stéphane Lauwick

15:40 Coffee break
16:00 Call for Action – Initiatives for digitalisation of recognition processes.

Members will be encouraged to share examples of recent initiatives (legislature change, platforms, plans) for improving the exchange of data used for recognition of qualifications in their systems.

Aleksandra Zhivkovikj, Policy and Project Officer, EQAR

16:10 Panel Discussion on EQAR’s contribution to the new working cycle of the BFUG (plenary)


  • Cristina Ghitulica,  BFUG Vice-Chair (Romania)
  • Anna Gover, Director, ENQA
  • Tamara Ciobanu, Executive Committee, ESU
  • Stéphane Lauwick, President, EQAR

Moderator: Aleksandar Šušnjar

17:30 Wrap-up and closing by Stéphane Lauwick
17:45 End of day 2



To attend the Members' Dialogue, registration is required;

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