Upcoming events

EQAR organises a number of fixed events and meetings per year: the General Assembly, the Members’ Dialogue and the Register Committee. Apart from these, EQAR might organise meetings or seminars in the context of running projects and/or other ad hoc events.

  • The General Assembly convenes annually, usually in conjunction with the first Bologna Follow-Up Group Meeting in spring. The General Assembly decides on the budget, approves the accounts, elects the Executive Board and Appeals Committee and approves the Register Committee.
  • The Members’ Dialogue is organised every autumn to discuss recent policy developments in quality assurance as well as EQAR’s current and future activities.
  • The Register Committee receives, evaluates and decides upon applications for inclusion on the Register or renewal of registration and takes place twice or three times per year.

Next Register Committee (RC)

1-2 July 2024 - The RC will assess applications and change reports

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The Register Committee receives, evaluates and decides upon applications for inclusion on the Register or renewal of registration, substantive change reports and third-party complaints. It is a closed meeting and takes place twice or three times per year.

  • When?
    1-2 July 2024
  • Where?
  • For whom?
    Register Committee members and observers
  • Outcomes
    Decisions made by the Register Committee are public and can be found here

Next Members' Dialogue (MD)

Autumn 2024 - Topics: recent policy developments in quality assurance as well as EQAR’s current and future activities

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The Members’ Dialogue covers recent policy developments in quality assurance as well as EQAR’s current and future activities. Thanks to the informal setting, it also serves as a forum for exchange and networking among governments on issues related to quality assurance. The event is usually hosted by a governmental member.

  • When?
    Autumn 2024
  • Online
  • For whom?
    EQAR Governmental Members
    Stakeholder organisations, permanent observers and statutory bodies
    Speakers and guests

Next General Assembly (GA)

10 or 11 April 2025 (TBC)

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  • When?
    10 or 11 April 2025 (TBC)
  • Where?
    For whom?
    – EQAR Governmental Members
    – Stakeholder organisations, permanent observers and statutory bodies
    – Speakers and guests

Find out what happened at past General Assemblies here