Stéphane Lauwick is the former Secretary-General of ADIUT (the French network of University Institutes of Technology), and former President of EURASHE
Register Committee
The Register Committee receives, evaluates and decides upon applications for inclusion on the Register or renewal of registration, substantive change reports and third-party complaints. The Committee is also responsible for adopting Procedures for Applications in consultation with the General Assembly.

The Register Committee comprises 11 members with experience in quality assurance and higher education who act as independent experts and in their individual capacity.
Each Founding Member (ENQA, ESU, EUA, EURASHE) nominates two members of the Register Committee and one member is nominated by each Social Partner Member (BUSINESSEUROPE, Education International).
The Register Committee is approved by the General Assembly for a mandate of two years, and a member may be renominated up to three times.
The Register Committee is chaired by the President; it elects a Vice-Chair from amongst its members. The Committee normally convenes three times a year.
The following members compose the Register Committee, with a mandate until 30 June 2025:

Beate Treml (Vice-Chair)
Beate Treml has been working at the OeAD, Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation, Bologna Service Office since May 2019,

Eltjo Bazen
Eltjo Bazen is Chief Product Owner Quality Assurance at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (HU UAS).

Sandra Bezjak
Sandra Bezjak is currently in charge of international cooperation in the field of QA in the Agency for Science and Higher Education

Maria Arminda Bragança de Miranda
Maria Arminda Bragança was member of the National Council of Education from 1992-1997 and from 2009-2013 and has integrated different Working Groups and Committees:

Irina Duma
Irina Duma is a PhD student at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (TUC-N) in Romania

Patricia Georgieva
Patricia Georgieva is Vice-Rector at the University of Agribusiness and Rural Development in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, where she has been in charge of Quality Assurance and Accreditation since 2014.

Inga Lapina
Inga Lapiņa is a Professor and Vice-Dean for Study at the Riga Technical University (RTU)

Lewis Purser
Lewis Purser is Director (Learning, Teaching & Academic Affairs) at the Irish Universities Association,

Riita Pyykkö
Riitta Pyykkö is Vice Rector of the University of Turku, Finland. In this capacity, she is responsible for academic affairs, as well as quality management.

Steffen Westergard Andersen
Steffen Westergard Andersen is Director of Operations in the Danish Accreditation Institution.
Observers are elected by the General Assembly for a two-year mandate.
The four governmental observers attend the meetings of the Register Committee and closely follow the work of the Committee. While the observers do not take part in the Register Committee’s deliberations, they may ask questions on the Committee’s proceedings and will be invited to offer their feedback during general discussions.
Presently these are:
- Cyprus, represented by Yiannis Kasoulides
- Kazakhstan, represented by Aitzhan Kulumzhanova
- Slovakia, represented by Peter Ondreička
- Slovenia, represented by Jernej Širok