Former Secretary-General of ADIUT and President of EURASHE,
The EQAR President chairs the General Assembly, the Executive Board and the Register Committee, represents EQAR externally and ensures coherence in the work of the EQAR bodies.
The President has a three year mandate – renewable once – and is elected by the General Assembly.
Appointing an EQAR President was one of the recommendations in EQAR’s external evaluation of 2011 “the General Assembly should appoint a high profile, independent President capable of raising the visibility and promoting the benefits of EQAR with key stakeholders”.
The statutory changes by the General Assembly of 12 April 2017 made the appointment of an EQAR President possible.
After the appointment of a Selection Committee (composed by representatives of Governmental Members (4), Founding Members (2), Social Partner Member (1), the Executive Board (2) and the Register Committee (2)), the selection process starts with a public call for expressions of interest.
After a rigorous procedure, EQAR members are then invited to elect an EQAR president based on a proposal by the Selection Committee.

Karl Dittrich: EQAR President from 2017 until 2023
Karl was the first EQAR President and served two mandates