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Becoming a Governmental Member

Governmental membership in EQAR is an important opportunity to support the European Higher Education Area’s (EHEA) common framework for quality assurance and to be in active dialogue on quality assurance with policy makers from across the EHEA.
- EQAR was founded as part of the Bologna Process to maintain the EHEA’s official register of quality assurance agencies operating in substantial compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
- Governmental membership in EQAR is an opportunity to participate in the governance and future development of the EHEA’s framework for quality assurance.
- The EQAR Members’ Dialogue is the only regular event specifcally for EHEA governments to discuss current policy developments and exchange with peers on issues related to quality assurance.
- EQAR relies on the active contribution and support of EHEA governments and stakeholder organisations. Governmental membership is a way to express your country’s support of a common European framework for quality assurance, ensuring transparency and trust within the EHEA.
All parties to the European Cultural Convention, signed in Paris on 19 December 1954, that are full members of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), may become Governmental Members. Please take note of the following important information:
- To become a Governmental Member, the country (normally represented by its ministry responsible for higher education) needs to submit an official application, signed by an official who is entitled to engage the applicant state vis-à-vis EQAR for the purpose of membership.
- Please consult the membership fee scale document below and insert the correct amount. Don’t hesitate to contact the Secretariat to ask for the relevant fee for your country. The annual membership fee depends on the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and GDP per capita.
- Submit the form by digitally signed or signed/scanned as PDF file to Please do not send unsigned forms or any other file formats than PDF.
- For further information, see also the Frequently Asked Questions regarding Governmental Membership.
Membership documents