Former Secretary-General of the French network of University Institutes of Technology, ADIUT.
The Board is in charge of the overall governance and management of EQAR, including administrative, financial matters and strategic coordination, with the support of the Secretariat.
The Board comprises of five members: the President of EQAR and one from each Founding Member. Additionally, following the statutory revision of 2023 two governmental observers are appointed to the Board.
The Board is confirmed by the General Assembly for a two-year mandate. It designates, one Vice-President and a Treasurer from among its members. The Board has agreed to bi-annually rotate these functions amongst its members.
The President of the Board legally represents the EQAR association.
The Board convenes four to five times annually, normally at the EQAR office in Brussels or in conjunction with other meetings.
The President of EQAR, elected by the General Assembly for a three-year period, chairs the Board.
The other Board members have a 2-year mandate. The mandate of the current Board will finish after the General Assembly of 2026.

Maria Kelo (Vice-President)
Maria Kelo is director of the Institutional Development Unit (EUA),
Governmental observers to the Board
Following the statutory revision of 2023, the GA appointed two governmental observers to the Board:
- France – Mathieu Musquin
- Norway – Tone Flood Strøm
Observers are elected by the General Assembly for a two-year mandate.
The two governmental observers attend the meetings of the Board. While the observers do not have voting rights, they may ask questions on the proceedings and will be invited to offer their feedback during general discussions.