Database of External QA Results (DEQAR)

DEQAR is the Database of External Quality Assurance Results from activities performed by EQAR-registered quality assurance agencies. DEQAR not only collects their reports and decisions but also helps to understand reports in their context by describing the national QA frameworks of the European Higher Education Area countries.

DEQAR developments

Throughout 2024, EQAR worked on two main developments in DEQAR; extending the database with information on other providers and micro credentials and the new version of the Application Programming Interface (API).

Other providers and micro credentials in DEQAR

In 2024 EQAR continued its efforts to expand DEQAR by incorporating information on other providers and micro credentials assessed through methodologies aligned with the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG).

After several rounds of feedback from various stakeholders – including testing the system with four QA agencies, conducting two meetings with the IMINQA Working Group (comprising representatives from the MoES and QA agencies), presenting at a webinar for ENIC NARICs, and consulting with individual experts – EQAR launched the live system at the end of March 2024. This system allows all EQAR-registered agencies to upload reports on EQA micro credentials and alternative providers/other providers. So far, three agencies have uploaded reports on certified other providers and micro-credentials, which are available here.

In order to improve the clarity of terminology used in DEQAR, the Secretariat also introduced a Glossary of terms and symbols used in the database on the website. The Glossary is available here.

EQAR is launching the new version of its Application Programming Interface (API)

Following the recent expansion of the database to include information on certified micro-credentials and alternative/other providers, EQAR is set to launch a new version of its API.

To prepare EQAR-registered quality assurance agencies for this update, EQAR organised a webinar at the end of 2024, to present the new API and its connection to the updated DEQAR data model.

The new API is scheduled to be launched on 15 March, after thorough testing with quality assurance agencies. It will operate in parallel with the existing version of the API until the end of 2025, at which point only the new API will remain in use.

DEQAR milestone

In 2024 DEQAR reached a milestone of 100 000 reports, uploaded by 56 EQAR-registered quality assurance agencies, covering several thousand higher education institutions and alternative/other providers within and beyond the European Higher Education Area  (EHEA).

Reports published on DEQAR are accessible here.

Integration with Digital Credentials

Accredited credentials are checked against the accreditation database that is part of the (Europass) Qualifications Dataset Register (QDR). DEQAR data are automatically exported to the QDR, enabling institutions to issue EDC credentials that can be verified as accredited. The interface to Europass Digital Credentials for the European Learning Model version 3 (ELMv3) has been updated, and the export is made by default. As of 2024, programme accreditations from DEQAR are accurately represented and have been included in the data export too.

State of play at the end of 2024

DEQAR coverage (ratio of higher education institutions with QA reports in DEQAR)


By the end of 2024 the total number of reports in DEQAR was 109 117. The total number of reports uploaded during 2024 was 14 130.


Throughout the year, 48 (out of 57) EQAR registered agencies uploaded their reports in the database, the same number as last year.

Higher education institutions (HEIs)

Newly added reports in DEQAR in 2024 covered 1 772 HEIs based in 41 EHEA countries, and 113 HEIs based in 35 non EHEA countries.


DEQAR had significant coverage of 33 higher education systems by the end of 2024: Austria, Belgium (Flemish Community), Belgium (French Community), Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Slovenia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom (Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales)

Note on “significant coverage”: In these systems, DEQAR includes reports on more than half of the higher education institutions, compared to the total number according to the European Tertiary Education Register (ETER) or national lists provided to EQAR. For very small higher education systems (< 5 higher education institutions), significant coverage is considered if the higher education institution(s) is/are the dominant institution(s) in the system and a large proportion of the institution(s) is covered, i.e. not only a small number of programmes.

Upload methods

In 2024, the main mode of upload of report was CSV (7 751), followed by the API (4 815) and manual upload (1 564).

The following tables provide a detailed breakdown by agency and type of reports.

Reports in DEQAR with institutions and countries covered by 31/12/2024
Reports Institutions Countries
EHEA 107 262 3 904
Non-EHEA 1 855
277 63


Reports uploaded in DEQAR in 2024, per registered agency
Agency Based in No. of reports in DEQAR
Institutional Programme
A3ES Portugal 0 809
​ACCUA Spain 2 385
​ACCUEE Spain 0 73
AAQ Switzerland 9 14
ACPUA Spain 6 18
ACQUIN Germany 10 368
ACSUCYL Spain 0 913
ACSUG Spain 0 19
AEQES Belgium (French community) 17 89
AHPGS Germany 0 122
AI Denmark 6 0
AKAST Germany 0 1
ANQA Armenia 5 0
AQAS Germany 2 463
AQ Austria Austria 7 213
AQU Spain 12 231
ARACIS Romania 62 731
ASHE Croatia 7 16
ASIIN Germany 0 336
​AVAP Spain 0 99
EAEVE Austria 0 20
evalag Germany 11 96
ECTE Germany 0 16
FIBAA Germany 6 244
FINEEC Finland 8 1
​GAC Germany 4 12
HAKA Estonia 4 3
HCERES France 32 103
IAAR Kazakhstan 19 414
IEP Switzerland 2 0
IQAA Kazakhstan 16 631
MAB Hungary 15 156
madri+d Spain 0 244
MusiQuE Belgium 3 5
NCEQE Georgia 3 116
NEAA Bulgaria 139 190
Nokut Norway 14 0
NVAO (Netherlands) Belgium
0 5362
PKA Poland 0 515
QAA UK 8 0
QQI Ireland 18 0
​SAAHE Slovakia 26 0
SKVC Lithuania 6 186
SQAA Slovenia 5 29
THEQC Türkiye 26 0
UKÄ Sweden 20 6
Unibasq Spain 18 44
ZEvA Germany 9 276