

The website has always been EQAR’s main communication tool to address its target audiences. Since the beginning of EQAR when the “registered agencies” page was the most important page, but especially also since the launch of DEQAR in 2018, there has been a steady increase in website visitors. In 2024 the total came to > 102 000 visits, while there were > 79 000 visits the previous year and 72 000 in 2022.

More than 37% of all page views was on the DEQAR pages, followed by > 20% on the Knowledge Base pages and > 16% on the Register pages, both of which are linked from the database via the agency and country information.

Apart from the main pages mentioned above, there is a lot of other useful information on our website, although less frequently visited than the above pages:

  • News
    Around 12 news-items per year are published under “News”. In our social media posts and newsletters, we link to the relevant news-item.
  • Official documents
    This page can be found under “About”. You will find policies,  such as our Strategy, the Statutes, the Use and Interpretation of the ESG, the Code of Conduct, Complaints Policy, the Annual Reports and more.
  • Organisation and Structure
    This page can also be found under “About”. You will find everything about the organisational structure of EQAR, including the responsibilities, composition, mandate, nomination and or terms of office of the different entities/bodies of EQAR; the General Assembly, the Register Committee, the President, the Board, the Appeals Committee and the Secretariat. A list and map of EQAR members is also available as well an overview of past General Assemblies and the relevant highlights of those.
  • Topics such as Cross Border Quality Assurance, and the European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes, can be found under “Knowledge Base”.
  • Events
    This page can be found under “About” and contains information about both past and upcoming events.
  • Projects
    This page can also be found under “About” and contains information about both current and past projects.
  • EQAR’s mission and vision and values, our history and the criteria for inclusion and can be found in Close-up under “About”.
  • Essential info under “Database/find out more” features an overview of the whys and wherefores of DEQAR, including an explainer video, a Glossary and FAQ.
Focus of web-site visitors (counted from one year after the launch of DEQAR)

Newsletters and social media

EQAR issued four newsletters in 2024, reaching each around 890 recipients.
Newsletter topics included information about the decisions of the Register Committee, general EQAR updates, external QA activities of EQAR-registered agencies, relevant policy updates and documents with regard to QA and the use of EQAR in the national QA frameworks of the EHEA countries, DEQAR updates, project updates as well as organisational updates.

Social Media
EQAR also remained active on social media, including X (former Twitter), LinkedIn and, to a lesser extent, Facebook. In 2024, 50 posts on X (tweets) led to a total of almost 12 000 impressions. EQAR gained 30 new X followers over the year, reaching a total of 2 090.

A total of 16 LinkedIn posts were shared in 2024, generating an average engagement rate of 10.51% (the number of interactions divided by impressions).  At the end of 2024 EQAR had around 2 685 LinkedIn followers.


The following documents were published in 2024 and were promoted in the newsletter as well as on social media:

Team EQAR as of 9 September 2024 with the new Director, Aleksandar Šušnjar!