Organisational Development
Italy joined EQAR as governmental member in June and immediately provided a venue for the DEQAR User Interface Workshop; on the premises of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research in Rome.
This brought the number of governmental members involved in the overall governance of EQAR to 40. All 48 signatory countries of the Bologna Process can become governmental member of EQAR.

Statutory bodies
At the General Assembly in Sofia on 23 April 2018, hosted by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science, EQAR members elected the following Executive Board for a two-year mandate as per 1 May 2018. According to the agreed annual rotation, the Executive Board assumed the following functions, with Karl Dittrich as President:
- Re-elected: Michal Karpisek (EURASHE) – Vice-President
- Re-elected: Tia Loukkola (EUA) – Treasurer
- Newly elected: Adam Gajek – (ESU) – Member
- Re-elected: Maria Kelo (ENQA) – Member

The DEQAR project brought on some staff changes in 2018. Kathryn Mathe replaced Karl Villmann and became Database Analyst in April 2018. The total Secretariat staff at the end of 2018 was 3,5 full-time equivalents (FTE).
The financial year 2018 resulted in a surplus of EUR 6 031,43 carried forward.
EQAR relies on a diverse funding base including annual contributions from its members (governments and European stakeholder organisations), application and listing fees paid by quality assurance agencies and occasional project grants.
In 2018, EQAR received grants under the Erasmus+ programme as partner in the EQUIP project (Enhancing Quality through Innovative Policy & Practice) and as coordinator of the DEQAR (Database of External Quality Assurance Reports) project.
Assets | Liabilities and Equity | ||
Fixed assets | 4 843,25 | Own funds | 166 46,64 |
Guarantees | 147,66 | Profit/loss previous years | 40 115,21 |
Office equipment | 4 695,69 | Result per 31/12/2017 | 6 031,43 |
Reserves | 120 000,00 | ||
Liquid assets | 393 659,37 | Liabilities | 232 356,08 |
Receivables up to 1 year | 23 406,94 | Payables up to 1 year | 224 994,88 |
Cash and term accounts | 365 408,74 | thereof: pre-financing EU grants | 151 181,02 |
Adjustment accounts | 4 843,69 | Adjustment accounts | 7 361,20 |
Total | 398 502,72 | Total | 398 502,72 |
Income | Expenditure | |||
Operational income | 468 886,68 | Operational expenditure | 452 746,37 | |
Membership fees | 337 720,00 | Meetings | 62 734,91 | |
Agency fees | 55 470,00 | Project direct costs | 51 325,61 | |
Project income | 72 760,93 | Office and administration | 58 700,37 | |
Other income | 2 935,75 | Staff | 227 644,97 | |
Other costs | 52 340,51 | |||
Operational result | 16 140,31 | |||
Financial income | 0,00 | Financial costs and taxes | 108,88 | |
Total result | 16 031,43 | |||
Withdrawal from reserves | 0,00 | Allocation to reserves | 10 000,00 | |
Result to be reported | 6 031,43 |
Annex: Financial accounts (detail)