From Data to Policy - Linking Quality Assurance and Recognition
Conference for the Bologna working structures on QA and recognition
The conference “From Data to Policy – Linking Quality Assurance and Recognition” gathered representatives of ministries of education, quality assurance agencies, ENIC NARICs and experts on higher educational policies from across the European Higher Education Area, who discussed the state of play of databases in higher education, the creation of interoperability between databases, the integration of DEQAR in recognition workflows and possibilities of using and merging DEQAR data for policymaking at national and European level.
The conference took place on 6 and 7 December 2021 (online) with the aim to further enable and support peer learning and facilitate the exchange of experiences among policy makers, stakeholders and researchers as well as explore good practices in the use of the database e.g. recognition of degrees, issuing of digital credentials, cross border QA, internationalisation, cooperation and partnerships etc.
Read the related news-item about the conference on our news webpages.