EQAR General Assembly held in Gozo, Malta on 25 May 2017
EQAR members convened for their 13th General Assembly, hosted by the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU and in conjunction with the BFUG meeting on 24-25 May.
- Karl Dittrich was unanimously elected as EQAR President with a mandate from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2020. He will chair the Executive Board as well as the Register Committee, represent EQAR externally and ensure coherence in the work of the EQAR bodies. On 1 July, the Register Committee will take leave of its current Chair, Eric Froment, who has been Chair of the Register Committee since the last five years.
- Greece was welcomed as new Governmental Member and participated in their first General Assembly. EQAR now counts 39 Governmental Members, which are involved in the overall governance of EQAR.
- The Chair of the Register Committee provided an update on the Register Committee’s work since the General Assembly in Amsterdam on 7 March 2016.
- Blazhe Todorovski (ESU)) was by-elected to the Executive Board as replacement member for Fernando Galán Palomares, who resigned from his position on the Executive Board.
- Six new Register Committee members were approved by the General Assembly. Their two-year mandate will start on 1 July 2017. Incoming members Maria Arminda Bragança de Miranda, Riita Kaarina Pyykkö, Izabela Suika, Beate Treml, Anne Verreth and Steffen Westergard Andersen will replace outgoing members, Josep Grifoll, Júlio Pedrosa, Olav Øye, Lucien Bollaert, Daire Keogh, Dorte Kristoffersen, these last three having served on the Register Committee since 2008.
- Other items on the agenda were the Policy on External Quality Assurance and Other Activities, the Work Plan 2017/18, the accounts for the financial year 2016, the annual report, the election of observers on the Register Committee (Belgium-Flemish community, France, Greece, Liechtenstein and Germany), the budget 2017 and 2018 and the revision of the membership fees.