The Register now lists 55 agencies
The Register Committee convened in Leuven on 2-3 March, hosted by one of Europe’s oldest universities, KU Leuven, and considered several applications, a substantive change report and discussed and provided feedback on various internal processes.
The Committee approved the following six applications, concluding that they operate in substantial compliance with the ESG.
Initial applications:
- ACCUEE – The Canarian Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (Spain)
- AVAP – Valencian Agency for Assessment and Forecasting (Spain)
- HAHE – Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (Greece)
- THEQC – Turkish Higher Education Quality Council
Renewal applications:
- ANECA – National Agency for the Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain
- NVAO – Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders
NVAO reports in DEQAR
All decisions are published on our website under “register/decisions“. Furthermore, we have an exciting new feature on our website, with information on RC decisions and the compliance of ESG standards; the database of precedents. Additionally we have some new key statistics on our page with interactive charts on the application process and ESG compliance:
- Database of precedents, featuring various search/filter options and including relevant excerpts of RC decisions.
- Key statistics on the application process and ESG compliance (make sure to scroll down to view all the different charts).
The next Register Committee meeting will take place on 29-30 June 2023.