48 agencies listed on the Register
At their meeting in Brussels on 4 and 5 November, the Register Committee approved the applications of the following seven agencies:
One newly registered agency:
- CYQAA – The Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education
Six renewals:
- AQ Austria – Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria
- A3ES – Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education (Portugal) A3ES reports in DEQAR
- CTI – Engineering Degree Commission (France)
- evalag – Evaluation Agency Baden-Württemberg (Germany) evalag reports in DEQAR
- QQI – Quality and Qualifications Ireland
- Unibasq – Agency for Quality of the Basque University System (Spain) Unibasq reports in DEQAR
The full decisions of the Register Committee can be found here.
DEQAR is our Database of External Quality Assurance Results. All EQAR-registered agencies have the right to enter their reports and decisions in our database. We currently have 31 participating agencies with many more planning to do so in the near future. Watch our (1,5 minute) video, created to explain and promote DEQAR or read all about the DEQAR project.
At their meeting, the Committee further elected Beate Treml as its Vice-Chair for the 2019-2021 term. The Chair thanked Anita Līce for her excellent cooperation and dedication as Vice-Chair for the last two years. The composition of the Committee can be found on the Register Committee page.
Due to an increase in applications, the Register Committee meeting was held for the third time this year and will also convene thrice in 2020. Have a look at the application process pages and find out how to apply for inclusion on the Register. Quality assurance agencies that wish to be included on the Register need to demonstrate that they operate in substantial compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).